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Fakturaer fremsendes elektronisk efter endt kursus, enten via EAN nr. eller i E-boks.
Alle ændringer eller aflysninger, skal ske skriftligt pr. e-mail på resc@slagelse.dk. I meddelelsen skal du gøre tydeligt opmærksom på, hvilket kursus du ønsker at afmelde eller ændre.
- Aflysning fra bestillers side kan ske, uden beregning senest 14 dage før kursus start.
- Sker aflysning mindre en 14 dage før kursusstart opkræves halv kursusafgift.
- Ved udeblivelse opkræves fuld kursusafgift.
Kurser undtaget fortrydelsesretten
Følgende kurser indgår ikke i fortrydelsesretten:
- Kurser som er booket senere end 14 dage før kursus start, har ingen fortrydelsesret.
- Kurser som er oprettet særligt efter anmodning fra kursusdeltager eller virksomhed, og dertil hørende udgifter, har ingen fortrydelsesret.
Dates can be found on the course calendar or you can enquire at RESC. In addition to our regular courses on the calendar, we also arrange other courses for the specific requirements of our customers throughout the year.
You can enrol online via our web site, by e-mail, telephone or letter. We reserve the right to cancel courses when there are less than six participants.
RESC is certified to issue a number of different valid international certificates. A recognised course certificate will be issued for certified courses. RESC has also been authorised by the Danish Emergency Management Agency to issue competence qualifying certificates in accordance with applicable rules. We issue course certificates for special training courses held by the school.
RESC offers catering services from our own canteen kitchen. We have an Elite Smiley at RESC in the canteen and kitchen. Read more about the control report .
Overnight accommodation, including breakfast, can be ordered separately.
We provide outdoor garments for practical exercises. However, it is recommended that durable clothing that can handle a little mud is brought along.
Payment will not be required if customers cancel courses within fourteen days before the start of the course. If a course is cancelled less than fourteen days before the start of the course, RESC can demand the payment of a surcharge equal to fifty percent of the course fees for the enrolled participants.
Should the course be cancelled on the first day of the course or the participants do not turn up, RESC can demand full payment of the course fees.
Courses will not normally be held if participants only turn up after the first day of the course. Employers (customers) are responsible for ensuring that accident insurance is taken out for all course participants.
Payment will not be required if customers cancel courses within fourteen days before course start date. If a course is cancelled less than fourteen days before course start date, RESC can demand a payment of surcharge equal to 50 % (fifty percent) of course fees for enrolled participants.
Should a customer cancel a course on course start date and time or later, RESC will demand full payment of course fees .
Courses will not normaly be held if participants turn up later than first course day. Emplyers are responsible for ensuring that accident insurance is taken out for all course participants.
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